IV Europe
IV Europe is a website to find implied volatility values for European stocks. I made IV Europe to protest the unavailability of implied volatility readings for European stocks. Implied volatility is the key to success in options trading which makes it all the more objectable that this data is locked behind paywalls sometimes exceeding €1000. When I was in high school I wrote a thesis about reducing portfolio risks. It was mainly about which sectors carry more risk than others but it also contained a chapter on reducing risks with options. I wanted this chapter to be the best of the whole thesis but without implied volatility data, the backtests became more like guessing and hence the conclusions that came from it were a lot less decisive and persuasive. I spend a lot of time looking for a way to get this data but every time a paywall halted my progress. This experience is the reason why all data on this site is open source and freely available to download. This is also why the goal of this site is to make this data more available to the general public.